This design utilized:
- 10 inch vintage paper woofer, manufactured in England by Goodmans Loudspeakers Ltd, in port enclosure;
- 6 inch WIDE RANGE paper cone vintage speaker from Philips, in OPEN baffle, and
- 0.5 inch Audax supertwitter.
With the help of the wide range speaker instead of middle it was possible to decrease the 1st crossover frequency and increase the 2nd once. So the most important frequency range comes from the one speaker, without crossover.
Moreover - crossover does not have LPF for the middle at all! It was possible to make 2-way speaker with woofer+wide range, if we are able to sit straight forward of the speaker always - the high frequency response
is good enough. But as soon as we are traveling aside, wide range speaker s HF become lower. So, to increase the listening are I ve decide to use small super twitter, with very good radiation pattern up to 20-30
kHz, staring from 8-9 kHz with 1st order HPF. Middle ((exWideRange) speaker use its natural fading.
Find two pairs of the binding posts - first for woofer, second for wide range plus twitter. This was for easy bi-amping, if necessary.